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Stop generating leads, if you don’t follow them up (properly)!

It’s actually quite strange that companies spend huge amounts of money on marketing to bring in leads, but then they pay little attention to following up on those leads.
This is really a missed opportunity.

Picture this: you put a lot of time and money into attracting potential customers, but once they show interest, you basically just leave them out in the cold. This may be because companies underestimate the value of a good follow-up. They think that the most important work is already done when the lead is in, while it is the follow-up that determines whether someone really becomes a customer.

In addition, marketing and sales often work in their own world, without really working well together. As a result, there is a lack of a good strategy to follow up and convert leads. You also see that companies sometimes don’t invest enough in the right tools or training for their teams to be able to follow up on leads properly.

And let’s face it: it’s much easier to measure how many leads you’ve generated than it is to see how effective the follow-up is. That is why the focus is often more on quantity than on the quality of the follow-up. But if you don’t think about that carefully, you’re really missing out on a lot of opportunities as a company.

In short, if you’re putting so much effort into bringing in leads, make sure you have a good plan for following up with them. That’s just as important, and it makes the difference between wasting money or spending it well.

Tip 1: Choose the right channel to reach your leads. Stop making unsuccessful attempts to reach leads through channels they don’t use.

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