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Collecting Feedback from Customers

Feedback is very important. This is what makes you think and work on what you need to improve in your business. But it also gives you insight into what you’re doing well, so that you continue doing it. Collecting feedback from your customers is a crucial part of every business and every customer service department. 

Feedback can be provided by the customers on their own. But also the company can ask for feedback with different surveys and ratings. In this article, we are going to look into the best ways and practices to collect feedback from your customers. And the feedback that matters!


1.Feedback Surveys

Even though creating surveys can be challenging, they pay off big time. You can choose shorter surveys that pop up on your website or longer, more old-fashioned ones. No matter which way you choose to collect feedback through a survey, make sure to follow these simple rules:

  • Ask only questions that will help you achieve your goals. Even though you would probably want to ask them everything, it is best to stick to the most important ones.
  • Don’t use leading questions. You don’t want to receive leading or vague answers, so don’t ask leading and vague questions as well. 
  • Make consistent rating scales. This one is also very important for a good survey. 
  • Write good open-ended questions. You need to make sure the customers understand your question well so that they provide you with the key information you need.

2.Email and Contact Forms 

This is one of the easiest ways to collect feedback from your customers. Since most companies are using email and everyone has email addresses, it is very convenient to do an email survey. Or a contact form survey for that matter. There are a few simple things you can do here as well, in order to increase the chances of receiving valuable feedback:

  • Provide people with doable time-frames and keep them. It is not only important to collect feedback. You need to also make sure that you will get back to the customers. It is best for them to know when to expect to receive a reply from you. So set good time-frames, inform your customers of them and, of course – keep them! 
  • Make a good organization of the feedback received. There are many different organizational tools that can be used for this. This way you will be better able to know which feedback should be dealt with first. As well as the way that is chosen for them. 
  • Give personalized replies. It is very tempting to write a template and use it for every feedback you receive. But practice shows, it is best to deal with each feedback separately and provide personalized replies. This way, your customers will feel far more valued and their feedback appreciated. 


3.Social Media

This is yet another easy way to gather feedback. Everyone uses social media and the chances your customers are there are big. So why not take advantage of it? Many social media platforms provide built-in polling tools. They are very easy to use and make sure to collect feedback with crucial information. 


4.Live Chat

Having live chat on your website has many advantages. One of them is the possibility to collect feedback from your customers straight away. They come to you with many different questions. And you are able to turn each one of them into significant feedback. 

This is the easiest and most efficient way to collect feedback. Even if it is not direct feedback, customers share many things while on chat. If any of them are coming with the same question, you may think of how to improve that part. If they come with the same complaint, you can think of ways to fix that. 

Sometimes people are just happy and satisfied with your services and product. The easiest way for them to share that with you is again through live chat. They just start a conversation and share their thoughts away!


Collecting Key Feedback

Feedback is crucial for your business. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter. It is always helping you grow and improve. It makes you focus on the most important things, on things it is crucial to improve soon. 

And your customer support department is the best place to start collecting feedback. Your customer support team adds value to the customer experience and they collect feedback from the customers’ real experience with your business. 

Start collecting feedback in the easiest way possible today!

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