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3 Successful Conversational Marketing Examples

Today personalizing your marketing efforts has become a must. Even more than that – it is expected. Customers looking to buy a product want to be cared for and guided through their whole journey with a business. This means that new strategies must be put in place in order to cater to this modern-day consumer with convenience and ease at the top of their priority list.

Additionally, with access to so much information customers have become their own masters at knowing how and what they want when interacting and purchasing from a business. That is why it has become so important for brands to take the backseat and actively listen to their customers. This will point them in the right direction in working towards a strategy that is tailored to giving their customers exactly what they ask for.

This article will explore some successful conversational marketing examples. Proving this trend is, in fact, a very useful tool when utilized correctly.

What Is Conversational Marketing?

Before we begin diving into the examples, let’s unravel what conversational marketing really means. In simple terms, when we talk about conversational marketing, we are discussing the use of live chat, chatbots, and social monitoring to develop real relationships with customers through conversations.

Conversational Marketing is a great personalized approach that will help you engage with your customers on a higher level. Through automation or real-time messaging with an agent, this process can help move your customers down the sales funnel. Providing your customers with a better customer experience and increasing the growth of your business.

Key Benefits of Conversational Marketing

A great thing about conversation marketing is that you can merely incorporate it into your existing marketing strategy. The perfect last piece of the puzzle. Working harmoniously, conversational marketing can help improve lead generation, sales and enhance your customer service.

Here are some key benefits of implementing conversational marketing:

  1. Gather valuable data about your customers
  2. Build long-lasting relationships through personalization
  3. A great time-saver
  4. Improving customer satisfaction and experience
  5. Generating leads and sales through new channels
  6. Available 24/7 and can be automated

Want to See It in Action?

Here are some great conversational marketing examples:


A very successful example of conversational marketing done right is by the multinational eCommerce corporation eBay. With one of the most advanced chatbots out there, eBay also claims the trophy to own the most popular one too.

What sets this chatbot apart is that it works through voice command. You can sieve fast through a catalog of products by merely speaking to your Android or Google Home device. eBay’s bot finds customers the best deals and sends them directly to their phones. Really putting a capital C on convenience.

Businesses are constantly looking for a way to bring that brick-and-mortar experience to digital platforms. With eBay’s clever bot they have successfully brought this to life. A great example of integrating conversational marketing with a voice command. Efficient and deliciously simple, conversational commerce has never been so easy.



HelloFresh is a name we have all probably heard of. A world-leading supplier of meal-kits and recipes with over 5 million users. To stay ahead of the game they launched Freddy Fresh bot back in 2017.

Through Facebook messenger, customers have the opportunity to interact with this chatbot for all manner of things. Not only does Freddy supply great customer service, but also adds some fun to this mix sharing recipe ideas and meal reminders.

HelloFresh’s aim here is to provide their customers with a service that exceeds expectations. This clever bot opens a line of communications that can help build those all-important relationships. When a customer feels as though they have support on every step of the way, they invest more of their trust into a business. The ultimate goal is for the customer to renew their subscriptions, and HelloFresh has found a clever way to ensure that happens.

Domino’s Pizza

Back in 2015, Domino’s Pizza rolled out the “tweet to order” system that let customers tweet for a pizza. They were the first major players in the restaurant industry to give customers the ability to place and complete an order on that platform. Regular customers were able to simply order a pizza by tweeting the pizza emoji 🍕 to @dominos. This marketing trick was a great way to grab the attention of younger customers and create a social media buzz.

Since then, Domino’s has expanded and now incorporates every type of channel you can think of. Google Home, Alexa, Slack, Facebook messenger, and even your smart TV. Through text or voice command, a pizza is just a few steps away. Customers these days value instant gratification and accessibility. Domino’s has successfully done that. Going above and beyond to understand what your customers want translates into the way people perceive your brand. With this in mind, Domino’s has created the perfect strategy to build and maintain loyal customer relationships.


The main takeaway here is the importance of an open channel of communication which makes the process of online purchasing easy and simple. Automated or through the use of a human agent when you use a messaging platform to communicate with your customers, you can do a lot more than just help answer questions. You are investing in relationships that will only ensure your business thrives and flourishes.

Interested in finding out how we can help you get started with conversational marketing? Contact us here! 


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