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Conversational Crowd for Assets Management

If you’re running a business filled with physical assets in the field, you probably want to make sure these are running smoothly. Billboards, vending machines, washing machines, or any other thing you can think of. Have you thought of a conversational crowd?

Leveraging technology such as IoT (Internet of Things) is a really neat solution to do just that. Even though it won’t completely prevent your assets from vandalism, it’s a great way to ensure a speedy repair.  

Therefore, adding stickers with QR-codes on them that immediately send out a message to your back-end can be really helpful. People who may want to use the asset, are dependent on it, or just want to help out when something is wrong with it will definitely appreciate having this option available.

Also, you can use conversational refunds to reimburse your customer when for example a can of soda gets stuck in the machine. This way, you still offer, though in an unfavorable situation, the best possible service. Even if they went through such an unfortunate situation, using a conversational crowd will build their trust. And chances are – they will come back to use your asset again! 

You can click here to start using conversational payments and make your customers happy!

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WhatsApp Expands its Use to Yellow Page 2.0

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