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Helpful Ways of Generating More Leads With Live Chat

A while ago, when we couldn’t use the internet, looking for the information desk was the first thing to do when we were visiting a new city. It could be at the airport or the train station, but it was the best way to obtain a city map or basic information like how to get to your hotel. Getting back to 2021, check your company’s website and see it through your customers’ eyes. Can they easily find the information desk when they enter your website? Live Chat is our ultimate personification of an attendant that can quickly answer visitors’ questions. Moreover, it can be an efficient way of generating leads for your business!

When you decide to hire a live chat service team, you expect your visitors to leave the conversation satisfied and without any doubts left. But wouldn’t it be even nicer if they ended up buying something after exchanging a few words? And what if they got back because they were amazed by the quality of the support? 

Live Chat is the best solution to gather information about your visitors and turn them into customers. Want to know how? We’ll discuss some helpful ways of generating leads with live chat in this article.


People Are on Messaging Apps More Than Ever – Don’t Miss Out!

In the past, marketers had to get by over different platforms for advertising. Campaigns were broadcasted on the radio and the television, and in numerous ads spread all over cities. The world evolved, and so did the market. Marketers learned the best practices to announce are through the web and social media, so it would be a shame if they missed the opportunity to reach their audiences on messaging apps. 

The results may take a while to show up, but the gradual impact on your ROI (return on investment) will surely make up for the wait!

You must blend in the messaging apps universe if you want to identify and convert leads for your business. If the user experience is a priority for your business, then you’ll see how this sort of investment pays off. It will help you build customer loyalty gently and conversationally.


Reach Out to Your Customers With a Lovely Greeting!

Statistics from 2020 showed that live chat is the preferred channel for contacting support teams for 41% of consumers. The survey also points out that chatters are 85% more likely to convert into customers. Therefore, if you want your customers to stay longer on your webpage and have a conversation, you can start with a friendly greeting! 

With live chat, you can set up an automated message saying, “Hi, how can I help you today?” that will pop up after the visitor browses the page for 30 seconds. It’s a way of saying that you are there in case they need assistance. 

Make this feature even more effective by assigning a fictional name and photo to each agent. Sometimes visitors wonder if they are talking to a chatbot or a real person. In this case, having a name and picture can somehow take away the eventual “robotic” aspect of a chat window. 

Speaking about chatbots, they can give you a hand when chat operators are offline. Use the chatbot to create a guided conversation. Consider the most common questions and essential information about your services and organize them within the chatbot.

For instance, if you sell garments, the menu can show information about the shipping options and the return policy. Through the chatbot’s menu, it’s also possible to direct visitors to the F.A.Q. Moreover, you can show them the ways to get in touch with a real agent. 


Be Proactive in the Conversation

Live Chat has all the means to help you when it comes to personalizing the conversation. With the software, you can check the history of the conversation and see which pages the customer visited recently. In this way, you can quickly adapt your answers. 

For example, if you see that a customer is currently checking the men’s trainers section, you can reach them by asking, “Hi, can I help you choose a pair of trainers?”. If you come across a second-time visitor and you can see their name in the history, you can also greet them by saying, “Hello again, Mary. Is there anything I can do for you today?”. 

A good customer experience will inspire people to recommend your business. After all, generating leads also depends on building a loyal relationship with your existing customers. And what is the best way to build trust if not by demonstrating interest? They are most likely to come back if you greet them nicely and offer a personalized customer experience.


Generating Leads With Opt-in Updates

Now that you know the best practices to greet and personalize customers’ experience, it’s time to take some action about what you can get during a conversation. According to the exchange you had with your visitor, they may feel comfortable sharing information that can be used to turn them into leads.

You can ask if they are interested in signing up for a newsletter to get fresh updates about your services. Are there promotions or special offers available at the moment? You can enjoy the occasion to mention it.

Speaking about newsletters and sales, an excellent way to grab visitors’ attention is by offering them a discount for their first purchase. They will be glad to spare some money, and you’ll have a way to build trust with this new potential customer! 

Beyond that, depending on the service you offer, a new customer may want to receive a notification when their order is shipped. In this case, you can lead them to opt-in for an SMS or email alert.


Generating Leads With Live Chat Data Analysis

The best way to work your way into generating more leads with live chat is by analyzing what your customers said. Before you consider sending a good prospect for the sales department, find a way to map their needs and pain points. We talked previously about how to adapt your answers according to what you see in the chat history. Or how you can adjust your approach according to the last pages the customer checked. It applies to daily practice, of course, but you must take some time to gather and analyze this data.

You can inspect this information to build customer personas and audience sectors that are sure to hike up lead conversions. 

Some points to focus on are:


  • The stars of FAQs: Do your agents frequently receive questions about the return policy? Are they not sure about the delay in receiving the refund? List the most common problems and consider a new way to address these questions. Then you can turn them into quick replies. As a matter of fact, it is one of the best features of live chat – your agents can gain some precious time, and customers will be satisfied with their reactivity. 
  • Potential opportunities: Let’s say you have an eCommerce dedicated to selling shoes. You notice that visitors are browsing trainers more than before. There’s even a specific model for running that became a bestseller recently. It’s the perfect occasion to discuss some actions with your marketing and sales team. A special discount exclusively for running shoes comes in handy. You can also consider preparing the ultimate guide to pick the perfect pair of shoes for better running performances – and get your agents to use it for advertising through the chat.
  • Traffic insights: Guide your strategies based on traffic insights. Do they check your website mainly from their telephones? Are they returning visitors? The answers to those types of questions are way too valuable to be wasted. They can work as a compass to define new segments and identify areas of improvement.


Think about it as the basis of a long-term relationship with your customers. The information you get through live chat can help you think strategically for your next marketing campaigns. 


Engage Your Customers So They Won’t Abandon Their Cart

There are some ways to improve your understanding of what are your customers’ most common hurdles – and how your business can overcome them. What about a chatbot asking if they can help with anything else when they try to leave the site? It’s a way of engaging a visitor. If they end up not becoming a lead, at least they can give you feedback!

Speaking about feedback, a follow-up is also an ideal strategy to engage visitors. Consider including a small survey at the end of the chat. In that manner, you leave room for your customers to express their opinion about your services. Your business can then use this advice to invest in better-performing campaigns, hence converting more visitors into customers!

Generating leads is not exclusively done through chat. We are aware of that. But we cannot deny that live chat is a powerful tool for online conversion. Start your journey with live chat today and be ready to unleash lead generation for your business! Just reach out to us



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