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How to Get a Lower Bounce Rate With Live Chat

Hopefully you have a lot of visitors on your website everyday. However, some of them leave your website very quickly without even looking at it. This can have a number of reasons, but one solution to some of these reasons is the use of live chat.

In this article, we give some tips on how to lower your bounce rate with live chat on your website.


What Is a Bounce Rate?

The bounce rate of a website is the percentage of visitors who land on your site and leave without interacting. These are visitors who ‘bounce’ off your website.

Your bounce rate can indicate how relevant, attractive and effective your home page or landing page is. A high bounce rate can indicate that your website does not connect with and appeal to your visitors, or that you attract the wrong audience.


Tips to Reduce the Bounce Rate on Your Website


Give More Information

One of the problems visitors face is that they can’t find what they are looking for, or they think the information they need is missing on the website. If they think they can’t find the information anyway, they will go to another website.

With live chat, you can see this coming. You can follow the behaviour of your visitors and estimate when they will leave your website. In that case, you can start a proactive chat to help them find what they are looking for.

There are also people who don’t know what they want, where the chat operator is challenged to help the customer as best as possible. Here, visitor data obtained from previous chats can help to find out exactly what they are looking for.


Offer Help on Specific Pages

You shouldn’t only add a live chat button on one page or a specific landing page. Take a good look at which pages your visitors need more information on, or which page they have a lot of questions about. Or use Google Analytics to determine which pages have a high bounce rate. Sometimes, your visitors don’t know why they came to your website in the first place. With live chat, you can assure visitors that they will always be helped, no matter what page they are on.

Companies also often lose many customers during the payment process. If there is a chat option to guide customers through this, you can retain your customers and also create a positive experience.

You can also let the chat window appear when a visitor has spent a certain amount of time on one of your website pages, for example. This way, you can assess whether they might want more information about it.


Always Be Available for Your Customers With Proactive 24/7 Chat

Having a proactive live chat on your website means you are engaging with your visitor. This is an important step in getting the visitor’s attention and engaging and having interaction with them before they leave your website.

If visitors see that there is someone ‘present’ on your website, they will also be more inclined to get in touch with your company. This kind of personal attention humanises your company and shows that you care about individual service. This can convince a visitor that your company can meet their needs, and it also gives them more confidence in your company.


Are you also convinced of the power of live chat for your website? Contact us now!

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