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SMS-debt Collectors

A lot of debt collectors still work with actual letters and mailing ballots. This is not only because it’s a conservative industry, but mainly due to the high open rate of actual mail over digital equivalents. How many emails do you open in comparison with the quantity you receive? What about if it is SMS we are talking about?

With SMS that’s different. In some industries, we see an open rate of 99%. This channel makes it really suitable for companies to send reminders of invoices that aren’t paid yet. Or for debt collecting agencies to get in contact with individuals which normal channels wouldn’t be able to.

By organizing your flows in such a way, you can also include a WhatsApp click-to-chat URL in the message to pick up the conversation from there or continue right in the SMS-channel. Also, payment links can be added for quick follow-up and to improve the success of these messages.

This is a great way to reach your customers easily and conveniently for both parties. And to receive the payments that need to be made on time.

SMS pricing and plans are coming soon, start with us today and be the first to use it!

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WhatsApp Expands its Use to Yellow Page 2.0

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