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🚀 Introducing Optimized Marketing Messages on WhatsApp!

We’re excited to announce a new feature in Ads Manager: Marketing Messages with Optimizations to Drive Better Performance.

Sending relevant, timely, and valuable messages is a fantastic way to re-engage customers who want to hear from your business. Starting today, businesses using Ads Manager to send marketing messages on WhatsApp can now provide Meta with their subscriber list. META’s AI systems will then recommend the right subset of recipients based on the outcomes that matter most – like turning leads into conversions or generating awareness for a new product.

🌟 Why this matters:

Better ROI: Businesses can see improved returns on their marketing efforts.
Relevance: Customers receive messages that truly matter to them, enhancing their engagement.
For instance, during early testing, Brazilian fintech company Infinite Pay observed a 30% reduction in cost per page view and a 20% increase in click-through rate when comparing marketing messages with optimizations to their existing strategy.
Harness the power of AI to make your marketing messages more effective and meaningful. Start optimizing your WhatsApp marketing strategy today!

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Why we switched to WhatsApp Newsletters: Faster, Personal, and Highly Effective

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