Live Chat Service

Use our live chat service to be available for your customers anytime, anywhere. Optimize your customer satisfaction, boost your conversion rate and never miss any leads. We take care of it for you.

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Livechat service

The possibilities of Live Chat Service

Managed Conversations

With Managed Conversations, you outsource your online customer conversations to our trained chat team.

Our chat operators are available for various purposes, such as customer service, online sales and lead tracking.

You can also opt for a hybrid form in which our chat team operates in addition to your own staff.

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managed conversations office

Lead Automation via WhatsApp

Lead Automation via WhatsApp is innovative software that allows you to contact potential customers within a minute via automated WhatsApp messages. This way, you won’t miss a single lead!

The follow-up of these conversations, such as scheduling concrete appointments, will be handled by our chat operators.

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What are the benefits?

Optimize customer satisfaction

By always responding quickly and having a helpful conversation, you create and retain satisfied customers.

LiveChat Service

Increase your conversion and sales

Our trained chat operators ensure that customer conversations actually convert to conversions.

Never miss a lead again

Don’t miss out on sales due to time or resources. Instead, follow up on every lead automatically via WhatsApp.

46% of consumers prefer Live Chat because it gives you an immediate answer.

Source: Bold360, 2020

In addition, research shows that 86% of consumers prefer human contact when shopping online. Live Chat can save costs and improve customer satisfaction.

Behind the scenes chat

Outsource your chat and we’ll provide you with more sales, more leads and more service!

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